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Dal 1989 lavoriamo nella formazione professionale. Abbiamo formato oltre 16.000 allievi ed erogato più di 1.600 percorsi formativi tra corsi autorizzati dalle Regioni e province, corsi finanziati dal Fondo Sociale Europeo e percorsi di formazione continua dei fondi interprofessionali.

Da sempre attenti all’evoluzione della formazione e alla sua fondamentale efficacia per aumentare le capacità individuali, per costruire la crescita professionale e per valorizzare il capitale umano.




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C.S.A.P.I. è Ente di Formazione Accreditato dalla Regione Puglia

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                                    9confapi  8clai  13fapi   4femi  3fondartigianato  12smartjob  2edilscuola  10edilcassa




The Santa Rosa local market is currently organized as an agglomeration of commercial boxes served by a main vertical corridor. It acts as a VERY INTROVERT SYSTEM, where all the market stalls work inside the main axis, completely detached from the near context. BUT, HOW IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE TO PROMOTE A PROFUND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LOCAL MARKET AND THE NEARBY CONTEXT? The main goal of the project aims to achieve was that of TURNING AN INTROVERT SPACE INTO AN EXTROVERT SYSTEM, profundly related to the urban context and, at the same time, able to act as a place dedicated to the community.

Thanks to GLAZED FACADES, the existing market has been opened towards the surrounding urban fabric, becoming a place of socialization instead of a crossing gallery. The previous permability of the market gave the way to a TRANSVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY, that sees the multiple boxes to open towards the adjacent exterior areas.The proposal of intervention for the new Santa Rosa local market suggests to outline not only a space dedicated to commercial purposes, but also a PLACE COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO THE COMMUNITY, acting as a VIBRANT PUBLIC SPACE INSERTED INTO THE SURROUNDING URBAN FABRIC. A MARKET FOR FUTURE!



The proposed addition to the Santa Rosa local marked has been conceived both as a real extension of the commercial area and a new place for the community, that together outline a NEW URBAN EPICENTER. The outdoor area is covered by a TIMBER ROOFTOP, which shape recalls the PITCHED CONCRETE COVERING of the existing local market. The timber rooftop is conceived as realized with the RE-USE OF THE OLIVE TREES WOOD that has been affected by the Xylella, that had recently killed numerous elements within the Region.

The NEW WOODEN SHELTER DEFINES on one side the EXTENSION AREA OF THE EXISTING LOCAL MARKET, and on the other, it ACTS AS AN ACTIVE ELEMENT for the commercial operation. Besides the shaded area that it outlines, the rooftop thickness contains the most of active systems of the new complex. Thanks to the NEW COVERING A PROFUND INDOOR-OUTDOOR RELATIONSHIP IS PURSUED, making the market stalls open to an urban use and accessibility, perfect for the Puglia Region. This will ease the use and the activity of the stalls during both the winter and summer time, shielded by the different weather conditions, making the market functioning all day long. The outdoor space is characterized by WIDE GREEN GRASS AREAS, that help to REDUCE THE HEAT ISLAND EFFECT, COOLING THE TEMPERATURES, AND OFFERING PRODUCING OF OXYGEN. THE NUMBER OF CAR PARKING LOTS ARE REDUCED, in order to preserve pedestrian areas, and encourage the sustainable mobility, as for bikes and scooters.

PLAN 1:350 SECTION AA 1:350 N The main idea for the new market is that of a NEW URBAN EPICENTER, able to restore and empower a deep sense of community by offering a space dedicated to multiple activities, from the commercial use to the playful functions. For this reason, the proposal focuses on BOTH THE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR AREAS, in order to define a COMPLEX SYSTEM able to become a real community place. The plan of the market is articulated within 5 COMMERCIAL STANDS, that can be easly divided into two smaller areas. Near a toilet core, a TECHNICAL ROOM is placed at the ground floor in addition to the new one at the underground level. The COMPETITIVE HUB is designed as a very flexible office, where it would be possible to organize different kind of functions as STUDY SESSIONS, RESEARCH PROGRAMS AND MEETING WITH THE LOCAL ACTIVITIES AND ENTREPRENEURS. Furthermore, it would be possible to stay in contact with the offices and labs of the University of Tor Vergata, for technical support and coordinated researches. The COMMON INTERIOR AREA becomes a flexible open space, that can be used as an extension of the Competitive Hub, welcoming different kind of indoor events, even during the evening. The outdoor area is equipped to become a real URBAN AND COMMON SPACE, where people can meet and socialize, enforcing their sense of belonging and community. During the warm seasons, it is possible to for the dealers to SHOW THERE THEIR PRODUCTS, making the market area more attractive for citizens and tourists. The area dedicated to the aquaponic cultivation is organized through multiple greenhouses organized under the timber shelter. The main aim was that to propose a dinamic area able to fulfil both a PRODUCTIVE ACTION and a DIDACTIVE FUNCTION. In this way, the system works as a tool for empowering the consciousness of this specific kind of cultivation, while actively harvesting products that the dealers can sell. The playground is equipped to attract kids and youngs, while the green grass zones houses also specific dog areas. The big OUTDOOR SOCIAL AND FLEXIBLE SQUARE is conceived as a flecible space where to host different kind of events, during the winter and summer time, and during the day and the night. Besides the activity of the market, infact, it would be possible to organize conferences, fairs, set up tables and chairs to eat the products that are sold inside the market itself, or playful activities, all DEDICATED TO THE COMMUNITY.


THE SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES ALSO AN ENERGY MARKET The main strategy for a sustainable performance of the new Santa Rosa local market, focused on PREFERRING PASSIVE SOLUTION OF INTERVENTION, instead of active ones, that in any case should use renewable energy sources. Taking into account the typical southmediterranean climate, the main aim was COOLING THE HOT SUMMER TEMPERATURES, thanks to STEAM SPRINKLERS placed on the ceilings and to openable sheds placed on the rooftop, creating a natural ventilation, and new covered and shaded external areas. An HIGH PERFORMANCE HEAT PUMP ensures indoor air quality and temperatures both during the winter and summer times, consuming about 25KW. Along with a MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM, an indoor air quality is ensured. The energy consumption and management is efficiently monitored through dedicated domotic systems. Both the existing and the new rooftop areas are covered with PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS, for a total of 520 sqm, that will ensure enough energy supply for the complex, with the chance of storaging the exceeding unused amount. The entire photovoltaic system produces around 80Kw, while the consumption of the building is aound 36 Kw. The RAINWATER IS COLLECTED AND CONVEYED TO DEDICATED TANKS, in order to be reused, after specific treatments, for the irrigation of the green areas, the igienic systems of the market and for the ACQUAPONIC CULTIVATION. The greenhouse cultivation consumes about 12Kw of the total energy produced by the photovoltaic system. Waste materials coming from the market itself are collected into dedicated reas and re used through a PROCESS OF COMPOSTING to fertilize the harvesting areas provided. The outdoor areas are designed in order to offer to citizens and visitors MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS AND HOUSE DIFFERENT KIND OF EVENTS, in different moments of the day. The INDOOR AND OUTDOOR LIGHTING SYSTEM ensure the chance to enjoy the public areas even during the evening, CONTRIBUTING TO MAKE THE NEW SANTA ROSA LOCAL MARKET, A NEW COMMON PLACE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD.

Formazione Finanziata da Edilscuola di Puglia                         

Per le imprese edili operanti sul territorio regionale, iscritte ad EdilCassa di Puglia, CSAPI eroga formazione gratuita finanziata da Edilscuola di Puglia, in tema di sicurezza in cantiere. 


  • Corso Formazione base lavoratori;
  • Corso Dirigenti e Preposti;
  • Corso Antincendio rischio basso;
  • Corso Carrelli industriali e carrelli/sollevatori/elevatori telescopici;
  • Corso Addetti Primo Soccorso;
  • Corso Addetti/Preposti Ponteggi;
  • Corso 16 ore/ingresso in edilizia;
  • Corso RLS;
  • Corso RSPP datore di lavoro;
  • Corso Antincendio rischio basso/medio/alto;
  • Corso Preposti e dirigenti;
  • Corso Gru per autocarro;
  • Corso Piattaforme di lavoro mobili elevabili (PLE);
  • Corso Utilizzo di DPI di III categoria;
  • Corso Escavatori idraulici, pale caricatrici frontali, terne;
  • Corso Pompe per calcestruzzo;
  • Corso Spazi confinati.


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